Home Foreign Policy Poll: Republican Voters Support Tariffs On China and Mexico

Poll: Republican Voters Support Tariffs On China and Mexico

Poll: Republican Voters Support Tariffs On China and Mexico

A newly released poll revealed that seven-in-ten Republican voters support tariffs on foreign imports in order to defend U.S. industry and American jobs from unfair foreign competition.

The poll, carried out by Civiqs/Daily Kos, found that the vast majority of voters in the Republican camp are exceedingly supportive of imposing tariffs on foreign imports so as to shield American workers from having to compete with industries which are subsidized by governments abroad.

Of the Republican voters polled, about 69 percent of them stated that they thought tariffs on imports are “good” for the American economy. This number contrasts drastically with Democrat voters, where about eight-in-ten say that tariffs are “bad” for the economy. Apart from the two main camps,  swing voters were much more split on the issue, with around 48 percent deeming tariffs as “bad” and 36 percent having positive feelings toward tariffs.

With respect to China, around seven-in-ten Republican voters believed that imposing tariffs on the Chinese is positive for the U.S. economy, while a mere 13 percent from the same cohort said imposing tariffs against China would ultimately hurt the U.S.

A study that was released last month by the Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) revealed that a blanket 25 percent tariff on all Chinese imports to the United States would, in fact, generate almost three quarters of a million (750,000) new American jobs by the year 2024, with over 190,000 of those news jobs being in the manufacturing sector.

With that in mind, it’s difficult to argue against the efficacy of tariffs in creating new and lasting American jobs.

With respect to Mexico, again, about 69 percent of Republican voters stated that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports would be beneficial to the U.S. economy in terms of defending American industry and workers. Just 16 percent of Republican who were polled said that tariffs on Mexican imports would harm the country.

This new poll exhibits a growing trend among Republicans, where more and more voters on that side of the aisle back policies that would impose tariffs on foreign imports as a means to protect American industry and American workers from unfair foreign competition. At the same time, the poll reveals that more and more Democrat voters seem to prefer the lobby which represents the views of multinational billionaire which see free trade as a good thing in all contexts.

About five million U.S. manufacturing jobs have been eliminated from the American economy since Bill Clinton enacted the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). Since then, the working and middle classes in America have witnessed the mass elimination jobs and a vast reduction in their wages. Since NAFTA, we’ve also seen an increase in trade deficits by nearly 600 percent.


  1. Tariff the hell out of them they’re sending these people to our country they don’t care about America’s hit them where it hurts the pocket book!

  2. No one is going to Love a Tariff War – However it’s better to have a Tariff War Today than having to Surrender Tomorrow. This is the ONLY way to get FAIR Trade… I have been to China and dealt with Chinese for over 14 years and my advise don’t trust them !

  3. I believe in President Trump and what he is doing especially means preventing more illegals from entering our country. If the democrats do like what he is doing; why don’t they move to Mexico or Venzula

  4. Fantastic job Mr. President. I will vote for you every 4 years indefinitely. There has never been a more patriotic president than President Trump. President Trump standing up for America who’s not afraid to push back regardless what anyone says whether liberal Demorats, Hollyweird or the likes. The world knows America has a real President that take no shit and are trembling at the fact of putting America First. MAGA 2020

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