Home President Trump Trump And Big Tech Work To Solve The Gun Law Crisis

Trump And Big Tech Work To Solve The Gun Law Crisis

Trump And Big Tech Work To Solve The Gun Law Crisis

The Trump administration is reportedly looking into introducing a social credit system that would use data collected from users of Google, Amazon, and Apple devices to determine whether someone can own a gun or not.

“The proposal is part of an initiative to create a Health Advanced Research Projects Agency (HARPA), which would be located inside the Health and Human Services Department,” reports the Daily Caller.

“The new agency would have a separate budget and the president would be responsible for appointing its director.”

HARPA would be modeled after the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA – the research and development arm for the Pentagon.

According to the report, HARPA would use “breakthrough technologies with high specificity and sensitivity for early diagnosis of neuropsychiatric violence,” including Google Home, Amazon Echo, and Apple Watches.

In other words, the program would use private data collected from devices that closely monitor user behavior, and spy on private conversations to take away the Second Amendment rights of Americans.

“Though the proposal is starting as a voluntary data collection scheme allegedly aimed at finding warning signs of mental illness, we all know so-called “voluntary” government programs often become mandatory at the drop of a hat,” writes Chris Menahan from Information Liberation.

In the Washington Post piece, the author writes that Trump has reacted “very positively” to the proposal.

The prospect of the implementation of a program like this is frightening, to say the least. In the case that such a program was put into effect, it would essentially give Big Tech – which has already been infringing upon our privacy surreptitiously for years – a license to impose total surveillance on American citizens via their computers, home assistant devices, and smartphones.

Last month, the Global Times, a Communist Chinese Party mouthpiece, bragged that it had “restricted 2.56 million discredited entities from purchasing plane tickets, and 90,000 entities from buying high-speed rail tickets in July” via its social credit system.

One can’t help but wonder if a similar future is in store for Americans.


  1. This is a very dangerous attempt at “controlling the people.” Seems like this type of proposal would need a successful trial entity before it could be considered nationally. Perhaps the state of New York and the state of California could try it out for a few years. and once the statistical reports are made available to the country people will be able to see how good (or bad) it is.
    A fundamental question will be who makes decisions to act based on the data — the computer, Doctors, whose doctor, the high tech companies, the courts, etc.? Also what would be the mechanism for an innocent person to get the action cancelled and how long would it take?

  2. It might seem to some people that desiring to follow the Communist Chinese model is, in and of itself, an indication of some mental infirmity.

  3. It just seems that this man can’t do anything right. Something like this sounds like it would be right up the Democrats alley. This is something Pelosi and Schumer would do. But Trump comes up with it and OMG!

    So this is a crappy idea because Nancy and Sluggo weren’t involved. But using taxpayer money to “buy back” guns is a good idea? Using our own money to “buy back” our guns and leave us defenseless. The government didn’t sell them.

    Did anyone stop and think if maybe Trump is doing this so the Dems won’t do it? As I stated before, this is Democrat legislation all the way. Pelosi would have slammed Trump for laying a Veto on this. Perhaps Mr Trump is a little smarter than he is given credit for.

    Also, who does that dirtbag think she is, threatening the President? “There will be hell to pay”. Who made her Queen Bitch? A hand full of people on the Democrats side made a mistake and put her in as speaker so she thinks she is God Almighty himself? Tighten up your Depends there lady, you need to go home.

    Trump 2020. And all of this is from a Democrat who woke the f**k up. Never again will I vote for one of those commie pigs. They ruined my State of California so I moved. They will not ruin the rest of the country.

  4. No way. Like you said voluntary becomes mandatory. Privacy is invaded. Trump may mean well but eventually this program would turn on Americans. Peeping into our mental and physical health would be used for anything they would want to do at the time. Corporations would have unfettered power. Tech companies do not belong in picking and choosing what should be and what shouldn’t be. Crats would pick and choose what their agenda demanded at any given time.

  5. There is only one oucome of this if Trump is who he says he is… he likes to keep his enemies close as possible… in his picket so to speak. Hope I’m right. But hope is a poor relarive of decisive action…

    Leftists are traitors & losers from start to finish even when they act nice or appear to win, they lose.

    …AND Frank Zappa for President 2024::
    “Socialism produces bad art, bad music, social stagnation & really unhappy people.” …and satanists.

    Leftists seem to have full spectrum narcissistic psychosis & inflict PTSD on opponents by using verbal abuse & lies of every kind as well as other terroristic underhanded tactics of the dedicated psychotic-natcissist. See for yourself on YouTube:
    Narc ology unscripted.
    Surviving Narcissism.
    Michele Lee Nieves.

    For real news go to OANN (One America News Network).
    Also: THE EPOCH TIMES, Truth & Tradition. Dedicated legitimate legal Xtian immigrant patriots who escaped commie China & know they are finished unless they continue to fight the commie HORROR regardless of consequences.
    To remove the blinders & psycho propaganda MASK Read:
    TIPING POINTS: How to Topple the Left’s House of Cards. LIZ WHEELER (OAN Commentator).
    MAKING LOVE GREAT AGAIN: The New Road to Reviving Romance & Winning at Relationships. DEANNA LORRAINE.
    TAKE NO PRISONERS: Battle Plan for Defeating the Left. DAVID HOROWITZ.
    BIG AGENDAç President Trump’s Plan to Save America. DAVID HOROWITZ.
    JIHADIST PSYCHOPATH: How Hw Is Charming, Seducing & Devouring Us. JAMIE GLAZOV.
    Web sites h channels for truth:
    Stefan Molyneux, freedomain.com .
    Bill Whittle.
    Apostate Prophet.
    Julie Mora.
    American Intelligence Media.

  6. I am totally against ANY government program ie: monitoring google, amazon & apple. What may start out to be good, like everything these the government does, is not just bad, it will be horrible and a violation of privacy.

  7. Its Ingenious! Why in the world would any American want to be deprived of their right to defend themselves and their families.
    Invaders who have no thought for anyone’s right to a peaceful life, will come with guns, etc. from outside this once safe country and killings will be rampant because they know we are all without any protection at all.
    The right to protect your loved ones is necessary, wise and too logical. Only a fool would knowingly deny their family protection.
    Pat Najhawan

  8. If Trump does this I’m afraid come 2020 he’s gonna have a bad day. Because he will lose the vote of every American citizen who owns a gun including me. And I think up until now he’s done a great job but Spying on American citizens is not a good idea

  9. Wow not for this at all. All the screaming about taking data and now this. No this is wrong on many levels. If done Bam the person stays off social media.

  10. ANY law that restricts gun ownership is against the constitutions 2nd amendment. That amendment is to protect the people from the government taking our weapons away. It has not one damn thing to do with restricting our rights to own firearms.

  11. President Trump has LOOKED INTO a lot of things and not supported them once he sees all angles. I think his idea of rebuilding insane asylums and locking the insane people up would clean a lot of this up. We could wipe out half of congress!

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