Home Attacks from the Left Poll: Americans are more concerned about police violence than violence at protests

Poll: Americans are more concerned about police violence than violence at protests

Poll: Americans are more concerned about police violence than violence at protests

It’s not just the people protesting in the streets — most Americans are concerned about police violence, and specifically the killing of George Floyd, new polls show.

Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released Sunday found that a majority of Americans are more troubled with the actions of the Minneapolis police that led to Floyd’s death, rather than by violence at some protests. The poll was conducted among 1,000 people from May 28 to June 2, just days after Floyd was killed on May 25 by a police officer who pinned him down by the neck with his knee, and early on in the (largely peaceful) protests.

Despite some criticism surrounding images of looting and arson, the poll found that only 27 percent of voters thought the violence of protesters was more concerning than the actions of the police and Floyd’s death — a contrast to the 59 percent that found the latter far more troubling. A big caveat: As with much else in American life, there’s a stark partisan divide. Nearly half of Republicans (48 percent) said they were more concerned about the protests, while 81 percent of Democrats found the police killing of Floyd a bigger issue.

Opinions differed by race as well. 78 percent of African Americans were more concerned with the police’s actions in contrast to the 15 percent that were troubled by the protesters’ violence. The gap between the two opinions dwindled among white Americans: 54 percent found the police violence that led to Floyd’s death more troubling, while 30 percent were more concerned with violent protests.

Regardless of politics or race, a majority of Americans are more bothered by police brutality — which could explain the strong support for police reform measures revealed in another recent survey. The poll, conducted by YouGov from May 29 to 30 among 1,060 people, showed that 67 percent of Americans supported banning any type of neck restraints, which was a police tactic used when Floyd died. Implementing an early warning system to identify problematic officers was also popular among 80 percent of Americans. The most supported reform measure was training officers on deescalation tactics, which was approved by 88 percent of Americans.

And while police may have historically been popular among Americans, these polls could indicate that their popularity might be faltering due to the recent waves of protest. A survey of over 6,000 people from Democracy Fund + UCLA Nationscape found that the favorability figures for the police plunged 10 percent in one week — 66 percent to 56 percent — just days after Floyd’s death.

“This is a unique moment in American history,” Robert Griffin, research director for the Democracy Fund Voter Study Group, told the New York Daily News. “To see shifts like this really speaks to what a monumental event these protests have been.”


  1. Take this same poll in 3months, when the media isn’t provoking fear and see what the results are. Bet it’s a lot different.
    If so many people fear the police why do the bother to call when they need one?

    • If they took it again the next day with a totally new group of people, my guess is it would be different, Sally. And your question is a good one — I haven’t heard of any of the liberal Governors and Mayors who have “defunded” their personal security details yet, have you? Although there may have been one whose detail walked out on her — at least that’s what someone told me. Would serve them right if that happened, given all the harassment and attacks being piled on them!

    • You do mean Confederate Patriot right,because you damn sure ain’t no America or human for that matter of fact. We expect nothing less of you Jin demon to support the police department murdering black men.it is your nature to kill because you can’t survive without a cup of black and brown people blood.

  2. We have a generation that has wrongfully push Police racism into there Children. The have embedded in there minds that all Cops are out to kill you. Yes there are bad Cops but those bad apples make up less then 1%. There are 686,665 law Enforcement in America. Parents teaching there Children to fear Cops when there caught up in the need of help the avoid approaching a Cop instead they approach a stranger. We used to teach our youth Stranger Danger. Now it’s the opposite. We used to teach our youth If You Need Help Go to a Policeman. Now it’s to opposite. Doing that teaches Children to ignore Law and Order. Those Parents latter when they grow up and take that wrong path the blame the Police. Parents need to take responsibility for there actions and by doing that while your Children are growing up it would teach them how to be responsible instead of learning how to throw blame for there wrong doings. Teach common sense as well so they could make wise decisions in life by being able to sense truth from bull💩. The Police situation is still the same. It only seems worse because it’s the History of the Democratic Party and mainstream media to focus only on the racial embedded agenda. The issue with the less then 1% of Police is there Unions that keep pushing to get there continual bad behavior hidden. The Officer who caused George Floyd’s death had a long record of unlawful behaviors that the Unions buried from going up the chain of Command. These Protest should be against the Unions not the Police. Only then can that 1% get filtered out.

  3. well thats bull shit tiny amount of bd cops thousands of rioters or by the way they should ll be shot on sight and I mean the rioters

  4. I will agree, there are some real bad apples in some of our police departments, but to be more afraid of the police than an UNRULY, VICIOUS mob beating people up, setting fire to dozens and dozens of businesses and other people’s personal property, give me a break.
    I don’t believe that millions of American men and women died in the serive of our country for this BS to happen.
    SHAME ON THOSE individuals who participated in the violence and burning, they are not interested in freedom, they are only interested in themselves and more than likely SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM. TO HELL WITH THEM, I will stand behind our police, as most do the job they signed up for….PROTECTING OUR LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS!

    • I don’t buy it, and I don’t believe the polls. Most NORMAL people support the Police and abhor what the rioters and looters are doing. Why do you think gun sales and CPL licenses are going through the roof? People are preparing to defend themselves against these thugs. These Big cities run by democrats are a disgrace to this country, and it is going to get worse regardless of who wins Presidential election.

  5. What a bunch of BS. Give us the questions asked…Then we can determine if we believe you or not. My guess is the questions were very slanted.

  6. I do not believe this poll, I would venture to say there are more law abiding people who have no fear of the police, because they have no reason to fear them. Plus the fact that these same law abiding people probably never even considered it because they have no reason to be concerned.

    I would also suggest a great many of those poled have no basis for their opinion other then misguided information they hear. It is a symptom of being “IN, or POLITICALLY CORRECT. When your brain has been pounded with police brutality or being entitled you have to wonder. Is there any intent for educators to institute thinking back into education. Education has become individual reading or a Lecturing without conversation. History is becoming a planned orchestrated event rather then actual facts. Take Rosa Parks as good example; Rosa was a well known race activist in AL, and rightly so, as she did a lot of good thinqs to promote equal opportunity. How ever she was not the first woman or black person to sit in the front of a bus in Birmingham AL, another known young lady was, but she did not have name recognition, so they (who ever they was) orchestrated a photo shoot news event publicizing Rosa Parks sitting in the front row of a bus.

    That is not history, that is a scam, and the scams keep getting worse and worse.

  7. Is all this due too Corona virus? People need a cause, after shelter in place it seems natural for people to protest anything. Let’s make one thing clear, police need better training in every aspect. Especially in deescalation tactics and learning how to listen and talk to people. In no way do I condone what happened in Minneapolis, but the people who see force don’t understand it at all. We need law enforcement and people are ok with the “law” aspect but when it comes to the “enforcement” part of it they don’t understand why? The enforcement of law is almost ugly and harsh especially when the one being forced doesn’t comply, as we seen in Minneapolis. Mr. Floyd is just as responsible for his own death as the officers are. If he had complied he would be alive today. Excessive force would not have been used I’m almost sure of it. The officers using excessive force need to stand trail for what they did and what they didn’t do, only a jury can decide their fate. That’s what American justice is all about. I’m sorry Mr. Floyd lost his life and he shouldn’t have, the crimes he was being arrested for didn’t come with a death sentence! So a reasonable person would have too concede that Mr. Floyd is as responsible for his own death as the police officers are! The criminal element is alive and well in America and there’s a very fine line between that and racism. There is true racism and racist in America and it is a huge problem! The question is, how do we make it a true justice for all! How to we make and keep justice blind? Abolishing the police in any form will serve to exasperate the problem. Things in America we be alot worse if that were to ever happen in any part of America. We as Americans need to be very careful what we ask for! Rallying around Mr. Floyd as a dignitary or a hero is very wrong! He was committing a criminal act that he was under arrest for and he didn’t comply attributing to his death that should have never happened! It saddens me that America and Americans fell this low in making him a hero. I pray for America.

  8. I’m not afraid of either. But, what results would you expect from the wall street journal and nbc. Protest turned into Riots. All lives matter, not just Black Lives. There’s more whites killed by police than blacks and that’s a fact. Time to move on and go to the next chapter. PS,, Trump should have sent the military in on the 2nd day of rioting.

  9. If I was a policeman and had a large man black or white who broke the law and was trying
    to get away from me I would have a hard time with him also. I do not believe he should have
    used a choke hold on him but I can understand. I think we all should have respect for our laws and those who are trying to enforce the law. We need to have our lives and property

  10. This is all bull to get rid of law enforcement and they will contenue to play the crap!

  11. Oooo, NBC and UCLA – bastions of Socialist Stupidity if there ever were any. I’d take any “survey” those clowns pass out with a heaping tablespoon of salt. For God’s sake, why isn’t anybody mentioning that Floyd was on Fentanyl?!? https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/fentanyl – “problems breathing”. The hapless cops are duty-bound the unappealing and difficult task of dealing with self-induced drug issues of unimaginable variety, yet when they mess up the whole (liberal) world comes crashing down in judgement of them.

    And Yes, to Liberals everywhere sold on the Lying Media’s socialist-serving slants, Justice will and should be served to the officers responsible; justice, I’ll wager, that would be unthinkably harsh if the race shoe were on the other foot.

  12. What I’m concerned about is the Police having to allow these people who are rioting to run wild. A peaceful protest is one thing, Anarchy is another! Let the police do their job and crack a few heads, and more if the rioters/looters get out of hand…ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
    PS. While your at it, arrest the Democrapic/Socialist side of the House…and the Soros family! If you want to kill a snake cut off it’s head!

  13. Sorry, but I do not believe this for even a minute! Statistics show that police violence is rare except in life-threatening situations, in which any of us would do the same thing the officers do, if we have the capability. And I say if people who are engaging with the police follow directions and don’t use threatening behavior, they do NOT need to worry about any kind of police violence!

  14. This is total B.S. I am 70 years of age and have never been afraid of nor threatened by a cop. But I would not attend any of these violent protests where the inner beasts of these thugs are allowed to run wild.

  15. I always thought as a young person that the role of the Police was to Protect and serve the community in which they operated. But being older and wiser now, Have come to understand this is not they’re job after all. They turn up after crimes have been committed on most occasions,So no protection was provided. They sit on the sides of roads at night without lights showing so as to catch people speeding, this again is not protection it is a Revenue generation system. Crime Prevention should be they’re first priority,So sitting in an open position with light bars operating would deter speeding and prevent a crime, The downside is less revenue for the City or state. Patrolling city/town streets at night with just light bars operating would deter some from committing criminal acts. So again crime prevention but does not generate revenue. So far as I have observed All Police officers are Revenue Agents for the state/Government and Prevention of crime is Secondary. Even the US Supreme Court has stated the Police are under no obligation to Protect any citizen.

  16. Yes, what happened to GF was horrific and changes and reform are needed but we are talking about 1% or less of the police force that need to be removed and account for criminal actions. What I find questionable in this poll is that the businesses destroyed, people hurt or killed, cities destroyed and people aren’t as concerned with this destruction and criminal behavior? Then, those brought in for this criminal behavior were not charged and let go? Who is going to stand accountable for those injuries and deaths and destruction as well as the millions of dollars of stolen merchandise? Two wrongs don’t make a right. There shouldn’t be a pick and choose who is held accountable – they all should be.

  17. Someone is full of mud!! I do not believe your poll. Take away police and we all will live in fear. I don’t believe that police officers intention was to kill Floyd. If he intentionally wanted to kill him he could have shot him. After all someone called the police for help in a criminal matter. He also became combative. How much crap do we expect our police to take on a daily basis? They have to face and handle the worst of the worst in our society. They put their lives on the line everyday. Some situations can get nasty, it’s part of the job and the nature of the people they are dealing with. Instead of re-educating and toning down the police howabout if we re-educate and neutralize the behavior of the criminals? That way we all would be safer, including the police. MAGA

  18. Like most Americans, I’m sick and tired of hearing the name George Floyd. He was no angel, even though he’s with them now. What really bothers me is the damn media. Poor Mr. Floyd died with a knee on his throat, but at the same time, I saw a big, black police office holding and yelling at a man, with the man up against a vehicle. Now this cop had his hands around the other’s neck. Why didn’t this picture made the media? This guy didn’t die and he was also black. The problem is simple, a white cop killed a black man. In the other, it was a black cop holding and yelling at a black man.

    There are a few bad cops with so many good and caring police officers. But, why do the few make the news and we never hear of the many? In this case, the media caused the riots and the looters to do their thing. But it was the DAs and politicians and left their brains in a jugs somewhere, and let the rioters and looters free to do as they wanted. The DAs and politicians didn’t care about the people, but worried how they would be seen in the media.

    The politicians and DAs should be held responsible in the same light as the looters and rioters. By the way, where did all the money go that was donated to “Black Lives Matters” go? The answer to an illegal arm of the Democratic Party, which should be tried with money laundering, but they won’t be touched. WHY? Ask your Congressperson.

  19. Liberal, that’s the same thing you said about MLK when he exercised his constitutional rights protesting that you devil children’s hate.yes why we were protesting peacefully the kkk on the police department and the rest of you jinn humanoids demons were terrorizing everyone killing children’s with no mercy or compassion

  20. There ISN’T much police violence. They patrol 24/7, and how often do you hear of these incidents? Pretty anemic genocide we have there, I’d say. But who wants to hear about the reality, when it’s so much fun to get together with your friends and burn stuff?

  21. This means Americans would rather give up their Liberty for their perceived Security. Since they fear the Police they would rather give up BOTH Liberty and Security to live under a terrorist state of racist thugs like ANTIFA and Only Black Lives Matter. They fear policing SO much that they would rather die under these two racist terrorist thugs.

  22. I have meet different policemen in my long life and they are the same and you and I. There are both good and bad policemen, just like there are good and bad people in all areas of life whether rich or poor, black, brown, yellow or white. To cast all policemen as bad is WRONG. I am not nor have even been afraid of policemen. Granted I know of policemen who arrested and/or scared people I know. But wisely everyone kept their heads, so that matters did not get worse. Eventually, complaints were issued, one excited officer apologized, other matters of proper paperwork was submitted legally. All without death, or riots, name calling, etc. Note the persons that were involved were of different colors. To get rid of the police force is a terrible idea. After the riots and no police the socialists will appointment their own force (the rioters) to keep everyone in line. What we will have then will be a dictatorship like China, Russia, Cuba, or Nazi Germany. If you check history, Hitler had the brown shirts destroy stores, loot, cause riots, kill Jews, priests, teachers, officials,anyone that did not go along with their New Order. The New Order government will own everything and everyone and dish out favors to their favorites. We will all be slaves. as this new order will rule and bully. There will only be their law and no one will be able to stop them. That is why we must stop where we are heading NOW. Before it is too LATE. Please VOTE. This maybe the last time you can VOTE to keep the mob rule from taking over. Let’s get our Country back to the rule of LAW. Where we can have free speech, because if this mob takes over there will be no free speech, different opinions, discussions, individualism, etc. We will all have to toe the line and follow the others like sheep to our own destruction.

  23. People are only worried about what the media tells them too. This man who was a felon and a drug head had 3 funerals and something most people could not afford in this lifetime. That is a shame because most people couldn’t spend time with their loved ones or have a funeral for their loved ones over this b s virus that was dreamed only because of this being an election year..

  24. Well, nobody asked me! I feel a lot safer know my local Sheriff and police force are on duty. Of course, I am biased because my son is a cop! I pray for the liberals who think otherwise. They are about to get a spike in their learning curve!

  25. Yea they asked 1000 people out of how many million that live in the US??? They must have done the survey at one of the “PEACEFULL” protests.

  26. This black lives matter is not for black people, it is a political name for a group of thugs to take our freedom away from us, and I want to put one thing straight, in Gods sight all lives matter, had it not been so we would not be here so if you are black, white, or some other color God made you for His own pleasure and all are loved by Him. If you read John 3, 16 it says for God so loved the world, that means me and you, He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever would believe on Him should not perish but have everlasting life. There is a battle going on in this country, good over evil, and in the evil realm there is no lasting victory but eternal torment in hell, and remember there are no atheists in hell.

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